Atomistry » Copper » PDB 6l8s-6pvy
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Copper in PDB, part 42 (files: 1641-1680), PDB 6l8s-6pvy

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Copper (Cu) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Copper atoms. PDB files: 1641-1680 (PDB 6l8s-6pvy).
  1. 6l8s (Cu: 6) - High Resolution Crystal Structure of Crustacean Hemocyanin.
    Other atoms: Mg (5); Cl (1);
  2. 6l9c (Cu: 1) - Neutron Structure of Copper Amine Oxidase From Arthrobacter Glibiformis at Pd 7.4
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  3. 6l9s (Cu: 1) - Crystal Structure of Na-Dithionite Reduced Auracyanin From Photosynthetic Bacterium Roseiflexus Castenholzii
  4. 6lv9 (Cu: 2) - Cu- Carbonic Anhydrase II pH 7.8 0 Atm CO2
  5. 6lva (Cu: 2) - Cu- Carbonic Anhydrase II pH 7.8 20 Atm CO2
  6. 6m98 (Cu: 2) - Crystal Structure of the High-Affinity Copper Transporter CTR1 in Complex with Cu(I)
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  7. 6mf0 (Cu: 2) - Crystal Structure Determination of Human/Porcine Chimera Coagulation Factor VIII
    Other atoms: Ca (2); Zn (2);
  8. 6mf2 (Cu: 1) - Improved Model of Human Coagulation Factor VIII
    Other atoms: Ca (1); Zn (1);
  9. 6mjr (Cu: 4) - Azurin 122W/124F/126RE
    Other atoms: Re (4);
  10. 6mjs (Cu: 4) - Azurin 122W/124W/126RE
    Other atoms: Re (4);
  11. 6mjt (Cu: 2) - Azurin 122F/124W/126RE
    Other atoms: Re (2);
  12. 6muj (Cu: 20) - Formylglycine Generating Enzyme Bound to Copper
    Other atoms: Ca (5);
  13. 6n5u (Cu: 3) - Crystal Structure of Arabidopsis Thaliana Scoi with Copper Bound
  14. 6nck (Cu: 1) - Crystal Structure of H108A Peptidylglycine Alpha-Hydroxylating Monooxygenase (Phm)
    Other atoms: Ni (1);
  15. 6nfq (Cu: 3) - Copc From Pseudomonas Fluorescens
    Other atoms: Y (1);
  16. 6nkn (Cu: 6) - Time-Resolved Sfx Structure of the Pr Intermediate of Cytochrome C Oxidase at Room Temperature
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Zn (2); Fe (4); Na (2);
  17. 6nmf (Cu: 6) - Sfx Structure of Reduced Cytochrome C Oxidase at Room Temperature
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Zn (2); Fe (4); Na (2);
  18. 6nmp (Cu: 6) - Sfx Structure of Oxidized Cytochrome C Oxidase at Room Temperature
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Zn (2); Fe (4); Na (2);
  19. 6oln (Cu: 6) - Controlling the Self-Assembly of Synthetic Metal-Coordinating Coiled- Coil Peptides: Orthorhombic Lattice From A Trimeric Coiled Coil
    Other atoms: Cl (6);
  20. 6olo (Cu: 1) - Controlling the Self-Assembly of Synthetic Metal-Coordinating Coiled- Coil Peptides: Hexagonal Lattice From A Trimeric Coiled Coil
  21. 6p16 (Cu: 2) - Cu-Bound Pcuac Domain From PMOF1
  22. 6p1e (Cu: 2) - Cu-Bound PMOF1 Pcuac Domain (Dimer)
  23. 6p1g (Cu: 2) - Copper-Bound Pcuac Domain From PMOF2
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
  24. 6paz (Cu: 1) - Oxidized Mutant P80I Pseudoazurin From A. Faecalis
  25. 6pbi (Cu: 1) - Crystal Structure of Ecdsba in A Complex with Purified Morpholine 8
  26. 6pcy (Cu: 1) - Crystal Structure Analyses of Reduced (Cui) Poplar Plastocyanin at Six pH Values
  27. 6pdv (Cu: 2) - Cu-Carbonic Anhydrase II, A Nitrite Reductase
  28. 6pg1 (Cu: 1) - Crystal Structure of Ecdsba in A Complex with Unpurified Reaction Product F1 (Methylpiperazinone 6)
  29. 6pg2 (Cu: 1) - Crystal Structure of Ecdsba in A Complex with Unpurified Reaction Product H5 (Morpholine 8)
  30. 6pgj (Cu: 2) - Crystal Structure of Ecdsba in A Complex with Unpurified Reaction Product A5 (Morpholine Carboxylic Acid 7)
  31. 6piq (Cu: 1) - Crystal Structure of Ecdsba in A Complex with Unpurified Reaction Product G6 (Pyrazole 9)
  32. 6pli (Cu: 1) - Crystal Structure of Ecdsba in A Complex with Purified Oxadiazole 11
  33. 6pmf (Cu: 1) - Crystal Structure of Ecdsba in Complex with Aniline 15
  34. 6pml (Cu: 1) - Crystal Structure of Ecdsba in Complex Benzyl Ether 23
  35. 6poh (Cu: 1) - Crystal Structure of Ecdsba in Complex Alkyl Ether 21
  36. 6poi (Cu: 1) - Crystal Structure of Ecdsba in Complex Phenyl Ether 25
  37. 6poq (Cu: 1) - Crystal Structure of Ecdsba in Complex with Anisidine 16
  38. 6ptt (Cu: 4) - Soluble Model of Arabidopsis Thaliana Cua (TT3LAT)
  39. 6pty (Cu: 4) - Soluble Model of Human Cua (TT3LH)
  40. 6pvy (Cu: 1) - E.Coli Dsba in Complex with Benzofuran Compound 26 ([6-(3- Methoxyphenoxy)-1-Benzofuran-3-Yl]Acetic Acid)
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 09:16:17 2025

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