Atomistry » Copper » PDB 3mnd-3qjo
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Copper in PDB, part 22 (files: 841-880), PDB 3mnd-3qjo

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Copper (Cu) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Copper atoms. PDB files: 841-880 (PDB 3mnd-3qjo).
  1. 3mnd (Cu: 2) - Crystallographic Analysis of the Cystosolic Cu/Zn Superoxide Dismutase From Taenia Solium
    Other atoms: Zn (5);
  2. 3mph (Cu: 2) - The Structure of Human Diamine Oxidase Complexed with An Inhibitor Aminoguanidine
    Other atoms: Ca (4);
  3. 3mzt (Cu: 6) - Protein-Induced Photophysical Changes to the Amyloid Indicator Dye, Thioflavin T
  4. 3n2j (Cu: 24) - Azurin H117G, Oxidized Form
  5. 3n7d (Cu: 3) - Crystal Structure of Copk Bound to Cu(I) and Cu(II)
  6. 3n7e (Cu: 2) - Crystal Structure of Copk Bound to Cu(II)
  7. 3n9h (Cu: 6) - Crystal Structural of Mutant Y305A in the Copper Amine Oxidase From Hansenula Polymorpha
  8. 3nbb (Cu: 6) - Crystal Structure of Mutant Y305F Expressed in E. Coli in the Copper Amine Oxidase From Hansenula Polymorpha
  9. 3nbj (Cu: 6) - Crystal Structure of Y305F Mutant of the Copper Amine Oxidase From Hansenula Polymorpha Expressed in Yeast
  10. 3nm8 (Cu: 4) - Crystal Structure of Tyrosinase From Bacillus Megaterium
    Other atoms: Cl (6); Zn (7);
  11. 3np3 (Cu: 2) - C112D/M121E Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Azurin
  12. 3np4 (Cu: 2) - C112D/M121E Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Azurin
  13. 3npy (Cu: 8) - Crystal Structure of Tyrosinase From Bacillus Megaterium Soaked in CUSO4
    Other atoms: Cl (6); Zn (8);
  14. 3nq0 (Cu: 2) - Crystal Structure of Tyrosinase From Bacillus Megaterium Crystallized in the Absence of Zinc
  15. 3nq1 (Cu: 4) - Crystal Structure of Tyrosinase From Bacillus Megaterium in Complex with Inhibitor Kojic Acid
    Other atoms: Zn (13);
  16. 3nq5 (Cu: 4) - Crystal Structure of Tyrosinase From Bacillus Megaterium R209H Mutant
    Other atoms: Zn (10);
  17. 3nrq (Cu: 4) - Crystal Structure of Copper-Reconstituted Fetp From Uropathogenic Escherichia Coli Strain F11
  18. 3nsc (Cu: 3) - C500S Mutant of Cueo Bound to Cu(II)
  19. 3nsd (Cu: 4) - Silver Bound to the Multicopper Oxidase Cueo (Untagged)
    Other atoms: Ag (3);
  20. 3nsy (Cu: 6) - The Multi-Copper Oxidase Cueo with Six Met to Ser Mutations (M358S, M361S,M362S,M364S,M366S,M368S)
  21. 3nt0 (Cu: 9) - C500S (T1D) Mutant of Cueo Soaked in and Bound to Cu(I)
  22. 3ntm (Cu: 3) - Crystal Structure of Tyrosinase From Bacillus Megaterium Crystallized in the Absence of Zinc, Partial Occupancy of Cub
  23. 3nxz (Cu: 1) - Crystal Structure of Uree From Helicobacter Pylori (CU2+ Bound Form)
  24. 3od3 (Cu: 4) - Cueo at 1.1 A Resolution Including Residues in Previously Disordered Region
  25. 3om3 (Cu: 6) - Catalytic Core Subunits (I and II) of Cytochrome C Oxidase From Rhodobacter Sphaeroides with K362M Mutation in the Reduced State
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Cd (4); Fe (4); Ca (2);
  26. 3oma (Cu: 6) - Catalytic Core Subunits (I and II) of Cytochrome C Oxidase From Rhodobacter Sphaeroides with K362M Mutation
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Cd (4); Fe (4); Ca (2);
  27. 3omi (Cu: 6) - Catalytic Core Subunits (I and II) of Cytochrome C Oxidase From Rhodobacter Sphaeroides with D132A Mutation
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Cd (4); Fe (4); Ca (2); Cl (2);
  28. 3omn (Cu: 6) - Catalytic Core Subunits (I and II) of Cytochrome C Oxidase From Rhodobacter Sphaeroides with D132A Mutation in the Reduced State
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Cd (4); Fe (6); Ca (2); Cl (2);
  29. 3oqr (Cu: 2) - C112D/M121E Azurin, pH 10.0
  30. 3ow7 (Cu: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Membrane Fusion Protein Cusb From Escherichia Coli.
  31. 3pau (Cu: 4) - Cueo in the Resting Oxidized State
  32. 3pav (Cu: 4) - The Reduced Form of Cueo
  33. 3paz (Cu: 1) - Reduced Native Pseudoazurin From A. Faecalis
  34. 3pgb (Cu: 1) - Crystal Structure of Aspergillus Nidulans Amine Oxidase
    Other atoms: Ca (2);
  35. 3phm (Cu: 2) - Reduced (Cu+) Peptidylglycine Alpha-Hydroxylating Monooxygenase (Phm)
    Other atoms: Ni (1);
  36. 3ply (Cu: 4) - Structure of Oxidized P96G Mutant of Amicyanin
    Other atoms: K (1); Na (2);
  37. 3pps (Cu: 16) - Crystal Structure of An Ascomycete Fungal Laccase From Thielavia Arenaria
  38. 3pu7 (Cu: 2) - Cu-Zn Tomato Chloroplast Superoxide Dismutase
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
  39. 3pxl (Cu: 5) - Type-2 Cu-Depleted Fungus Laccase From Trametes Hirsuta
  40. 3qjo (Cu: 4) - Refined Structure of the Functional Unit (KLH1-H) of Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 09:15:31 2025

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