Atomistry » Copper » PDB 3awt-3erx
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Copper in PDB, part 19 (files: 721-760), PDB 3awt-3erx

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Copper (Cu) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Copper atoms. PDB files: 721-760 (PDB 3awt-3erx).
  1. 3awt (Cu: 5) - Crystal Structure of Streptomyces Tyrosinase in A Complex with Caddie Soaked in A Cu(II)-Containing Solution For 20 Hr: Occupancy of Cu(II) Is High
  2. 3awu (Cu: 6) - Crystal Structure of Streptomyces Tyrosinase in A Complex with Caddie Soaked in A Cu(II)-Containing Solution For 40 H
  3. 3awv (Cu: 4) - Crystal Structure of Streptomyces Tyrosinase in A Complex with Caddie Soaked in A Cu(II)-Containing Solution For 80 Hr: Occupancy of Cua Is Low
  4. 3aww (Cu: 5) - Crystal Structure of Streptomyces Tyrosinase in A Complex with Caddie Soaked in A Cu(II)-Containing Solution For 80 Hr: Occupancy of Cua Is High
  5. 3awx (Cu: 7) - Crystal Structure of Streptomyces Tyrosinase in A Complex with Caddie H82Q Mutant Soaked in A Cu(II)-Containing Solution For 80 Hr
  6. 3awy (Cu: 6) - Crystal Structure of Streptomyces Tyrosinase in A Complex with Caddie M84L Mutant Soaked in A Cu(II)-Containing Solution For 80 Hr
  7. 3awz (Cu: 3) - Crystal Structure of Streptomyces Tyrosinase in A Complex with Caddie H97Q Mutant Soaked in A Cu(II)-Containing Solution For 80 Hr
  8. 3ax0 (Cu: 6) - Crystal Structure of Streptomyces Tyrosinase in A Complex with Caddie Y98F Mutant Soaked in A Cu(II)-Containing Solution For 80 Hr
  9. 3azu (Cu: 4) - X-Ray Crystal Structure of the Two Site-Specific Mutants HIS35GLN and HIS35LEU of Azurin From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
  10. 3b1j (Cu: 2) - Crystal Structure of Dehydrogenese
  11. 3bkt (Cu: 4) - Copper-Bound C-Terminal Domain of Nikr
  12. 3bqv (Cu: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Double Mutant D44A D45A Plastocyanin From Phormidium Laminosum
  13. 3bvd (Cu: 3) - Structure of Surface-Engineered Cytochrome BA3 Oxidase From Thermus Thermophilus Under Xenon Pressure, 100PSI 5MIN
    Other atoms: Fe (2); Xe (7);
  14. 3c75 (Cu: 2) - Paracoccus Versutus Methylamine Dehydrogenase in Complex with Amicyanin
  15. 3cdz (Cu: 2) - Crystal Structure of Human Factor VIII
    Other atoms: Ca (1);
  16. 3ce1 (Cu: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Cu/Zn Superoxide Dismutase From Cryptococcus Liquefaciens Strain N6
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  17. 3cg8 (Cu: 12) - Laccase From Streptomyces Coelicolor
  18. 3chx (Cu: 9) - Crystal Structure of Methylosinus Trichosporium OB3B Particulate Methane Monooxygenase (Pmmo)
  19. 3ciq (Cu: 12) - A Regulatable Switch Mediates Self-Association in An Immunoglobulin Fold
  20. 3cqp (Cu: 4) - Human SOD1 G85R Variant, Structure I
    Other atoms: Zn (3);
  21. 3cvb (Cu: 2) - Regulation of Protein Function: Crystal Packing Interfaces and Conformational Dimerization
  22. 3cvc (Cu: 1) - Regulation of Protein Function: Crystal Packing Interfaces and Conformational Dimerization
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  23. 3cvd (Cu: 3) - Regulation of Protein Function: Crystal Packing Interfaces and Conformational Dimerization
    Other atoms: Zn (4);
  24. 3cwy (Cu: 1) - Structure of Cagd From H. Pylori Pathogenicity Island Crystallized in the Presence of Cu(II) Ions
  25. 3de8 (Cu: 4) - Crystal Structure of A Dimeric Cytochrome CB562 Assembly Induced By Copper Coordination
    Other atoms: Fe (4); Ca (6);
  26. 3div (Cu: 4) - Crystal Structure of Laccase From Cerrena Maxima at 1.76A Resolution
  27. 3dkh (Cu: 8) - L559A Mutant of Melanocarpus Albomyces Laccase
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  28. 3dso (Cu: 1) - Crystal Structure of Cu(I) Bound Copper Resistance Protein Copk
  29. 3dtu (Cu: 6) - Catalytic Core Subunits (I and II) of Cytochrome C Oxidase From Rhodobacter Sphaeroides Complexed with Deoxycholic Acid
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Cd (5); Fe (4); Ca (2);
  30. 3e0i (Cu: 2) - CU2+ Substituted Aquifex Aeolicus KDO8PS in Complex with Pep
  31. 3e12 (Cu: 2) - CU2+ Substituted Aquifex Aeolicus KDO8PS in Complex with KDO8P
  32. 3e6z (Cu: 1) - 1.0 A Structure of Cusf-W44A-Cu(II) Residues 10-88 From Escherichia Coli
  33. 3ef4 (Cu: 3) - Crystal Structure of Native Pseudoazurin From Hyphomicrobium Denitrificans
  34. 3eh3 (Cu: 3) - Structure of the Reduced Form of Cytochrome BA3 Oxidase From Thermus Thermophilus
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  35. 3eh4 (Cu: 3) - Structure of the Reduced Form of Cytochrome BA3 Oxidase From Thermus Thermophilus
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  36. 3eh5 (Cu: 3) - Structure of the Reduced Form of Cytochrome BA3 Oxidase From Thermus Thermophilus
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  37. 3ehb (Cu: 3) - A D-Pathway Mutation Decouples the Paracoccus Denitrificans Cytochrome C Oxidase By Altering the Side Chain Orientation of A Distant, Conserved Glutamate
    Other atoms: Mg (1); Fe (2); Ca (1);
  38. 3eim (Cu: 1) - Metal Exchange in Thermolysin
    Other atoms: Ca (4);
  39. 3epv (Cu: 3) - X-Ray Structure of the Metal-Sensor Cnrx in Both the Apo- and Copper-Bound Forms
  40. 3erx (Cu: 2) - High-Resolution Structure of Paracoccus Pantotrophus Pseudoazurin
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 09:15:25 2025

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