Copper in PDB, part 14 (files: 521-560),
PDB 2idq-2pp7
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Copper (Cu) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Copper atoms. PDB files: 521-560 (PDB 2idq-2pp7).
2idq (Cu: 1) - Structure of M98A Mutant of Amicyanin, Cu(II)
2ids (Cu: 1) - Structure of M98A Mutant of Amicyanin, Cu(I)
2idt (Cu: 1) - Structure of M98Q Mutant of Amicyanin, Cu(II)
2idu (Cu: 2) - Structure of M98Q Mutant of Amicyanin, Cu(I)
2ih8 (Cu: 8) - A Low-Dose Crystal Structure of A Recombinant Melanocarpus Albomyces Laccase
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
2ih9 (Cu: 8) - A High-Dose Crystal Structure of A Recombinant Melanocarbus Albomyces Laccase
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
2iwf (Cu: 12) - Resting Form of Pink Nitrous Oxide Reductase From Achromobacter Cycloclastes
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
Ca (5);
Na (13);
2iwk (Cu: 12) - Inhibitor-Bound Form of Nitrous Oxide Reductase From Achromobacter Cycloclastes at 1.7 Angstrom Resolution
Other atoms:
I (15);
Cl (8);
Ca (28);
Na (30);
2j55 (Cu: 2) - X-Ray Reduced Paraccocus Denitrificans Methylamine Dehydrogenase O-Quinone in Complex with Amicyanin.
2j56 (Cu: 2) - X-Ray Reduced Paraccocus Denitrificans Methylamine Dehydrogenase N-Semiquinone in Complex with Amicyanin.
Other atoms:
Na (2);
2j57 (Cu: 4) - X-Ray Reduced Paraccocus Denitrificans Methylamine Dehydrogenase N-Quinol in Complex with Amicyanin.
2j5w (Cu: 7) - Ceruloplasmin Revisited: Structural and Functional Roles of Various Metal Cation Binding Sites
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
Na (3);
2jcw (Cu: 1) - Reduced Bridge-Broken Yeast Cu/Zn Superoxide Dismutase Room Temperature (298K) Structure
Other atoms:
Zn (1);
2jfc (Cu: 12) - M144L Mutant of Nitrite Reductase From Alcaligenes Xylosoxidans in Space Group P212121
Other atoms:
Cl (4);
2jja (Cu: 1) - Crystal Structure of Gna with Synthetic Copper Base Pair
Other atoms:
Co (2);
Mg (2);
Na (1);
2jkw (Cu: 2) - Pseudoazurin M16F
2jlp (Cu: 8) - Crystal Structure of Human Extracellular Copper-Zinc Superoxide Dismutase.
Other atoms:
Zn (4);
2jxm (Cu: 20) - Ensemble of Twenty Structures of the Prochlorothrix Hollandica Plastocyanin- Cytochrome F Complex
Other atoms:
Fe (20);
2k1r (Cu: 20) - The Solution uc(Nmr) Structure of the Complex Between MNK1 and HAH1 Mediated By Cu(I)
2k4w (Cu: 30) - The Solution Structure of the Monomeric Copper, Zinc Superoxide Dismutase From Salmonella Enterica
Other atoms:
Zn (30);
2k6z (Cu: 31) - Solution Structures of Copper Loaded Form Pcua (Trans Conformation of the Peptide Bond Involving the Nitrogen of P14)
2k70 (Cu: 31) - Solution Structures of Copper Loaded Form Pcua (Cis Conformation of the Peptide Bond Involving the Nitrogen of P14)
2km0 (Cu: 20) - Cu(I)-Bound Copk
2lel (Cu: 40) - Structure of Cu(I)Cu(II)-Copk From Cupriavidus Metallidurans CH34
2lu5 (Cu: 19) - Structure and Chemical Shifts of Cu(I),Zn(II) Superoxide Dismutase By Solid-State uc(Nmr)
2mta (Cu: 1) - Crystal Structure of A Ternary Electron Transfer Complex Between Methylamine Dehydrogenase, Amicyanin and A C-Type Cytochrome
Other atoms:
Fe (1);
2n0m (Cu: 10) - The Solution Structure of the Soluble Form of the Lipid-Modified Azurin From Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
2nrd (Cu: 2) - The Structure of Cu-Nitrite Reductase From Achromobacter Cycloclastes at Five pH Values, with Nitrite Bound and with Type II Cu Depleted
2occ (Cu: 6) - Bovine Heart Cytochrome C Oxidase at the Fully Oxidized State
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
Zn (2);
Fe (4);
Na (2);
2oj1 (Cu: 2) - Disulfide-Linked Dimer of Azurin N42C/M64E Double Mutant
2oov (Cu: 6) - Crystal Structure of Hansenula Polymorpha Amine Oxidase to 1.7 Angstroms
2oqe (Cu: 6) - Crystal Structure of Hansenula Polymorpha Amine Oxidase in Complex with Xe to 1.6 Angstroms
Other atoms:
Xe (24);
2ov0 (Cu: 1) - Structure of the Blue Copper Protein Amicyanin to 0.75 A Resolution
Other atoms:
Na (1);
2oxi (Cu: 2) - Refined Crystal Structure of Cu-Substituted Alcohol Dehydrogenase at 2.1 Angstroms Resolution
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
2p3x (Cu: 2) - Crystal Structure of Grenache (Vitis Vinifera) Polyphenol Oxidase
2p80 (Cu: 140) - Solution Structure of the Complex Between Nitrite Reductase and Pseudoazurin From A. Faecalis
Other atoms:
Gd (180);
2pcf (Cu: 10) - The Complex of Cytochrome F and Plastocyanin Determined with Paramagnetic uc(Nmr). Based on the Structures of Cytochrome F and Plastocyanin, 10 Structures
Other atoms:
Fe (10);
2plt (Cu: 1) - Structure Determination of Plastocyanin From A Crystal Specimen with Hemihedral Twinning Fraction of One-Half
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
2pnc (Cu: 2) - Crystal Structure of Bovine Plasma Copper-Containing Amine Oxidase in Complex with Clonidine
Other atoms:
Cl (7);
Ca (4);
2pp7 (Cu: 6) - Crystal Structure of Anaerobically Manipulated Wild Type Oxidized Afnir (Acetate Bound)
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 09:15:13 2025