Atomistry » Copper » PDB 6y6y-6zut
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Copper in PDB, part 46 (files: 1801-1840), PDB 6y6y-6zut

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Copper (Cu) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Copper atoms. PDB files: 1801-1840 (PDB 6y6y-6zut).
  1. 6y6y (Cu: 4) - Pseudomonas Stutzeri Nitrous Oxide Reductase Mutant, H129A
    Other atoms: Ca (1); Zn (1); Na (2); Cl (2);
  2. 6y71 (Cu: 4) - Pseudomonas Stutzeri Nitrous Oxide Reductase Mutant, H130A
    Other atoms: Ca (2); Cl (2); Na (2);
  3. 6y72 (Cu: 4) - Pseudomonas Stutzeri Nitrous Oxide Reductase Mutant, H178A
    Other atoms: Na (2); Cl (1); K (1); Ca (2);
  4. 6y77 (Cu: 4) - Pseudomonas Stutzeri Nitrous Oxide Reductase Mutant, H326A
    Other atoms: Na (2); Zn (2);
  5. 6y7d (Cu: 4) - Pseudomonas Stutzeri Nitrous Oxide Reductase Mutant, H433A
    Other atoms: Ca (1); Na (2); Cl (2);
  6. 6y7e (Cu: 4) - Pseudomonas Stutzeri Nitrous Oxide Reductase Mutant, H494A
    Other atoms: Ca (1); Zn (3); Na (2); Cl (2);
  7. 6ydc (Cu: 4) - X-Ray Structure of Lpmo
  8. 6ydd (Cu: 2) - X-Ray Structure of Lpmo
  9. 6yde (Cu: 1) - X-Ray Structure of Lpmo
  10. 6ydf (Cu: 2) - X-Ray Structure of Lpmo
  11. 6ydg (Cu: 1) - X-Ray Structure of Lpmo
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  12. 6yez (Cu: 1) - Plant Psi-Ferredoxin-Plastocyanin Supercomplex
    Other atoms: Mg (157); Fe (14); Ca (2);
  13. 6yhv (Cu: 1) - Structural Insights Into Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Type Six Secretion System Exported Effector 8: Unliganded TSE8
  14. 6ymx (Cu: 3) - CIII2/Civ Respiratory Supercomplex From Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
    Other atoms: Zn (1); Fe (12);
  15. 6ymy (Cu: 3) - Cytochrome C Oxidase From Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
    Other atoms: Zn (1); Fe (2);
  16. 6z0j (Cu: 4) - Crystal Structure of Laccase From Pediococcus Acidilactici PA5930 (Tris-Hcl pH 8.5)
  17. 6z0k (Cu: 4) - Crystal Structure of Laccase From Pediococcus Acidilactici PP5930 (Hepes pH 7.5)
  18. 6z1s (Cu: 2) - Structure of Polyphenol Oxidase (Mutant G292N) From Thermothelomyces Thermophila
  19. 6z5y (Cu: 2) - Structure of A Novel Lpmo From Phytophthora Infestans
  20. 6z8r (Cu: 2) - Copper Transporter Oprc
  21. 6z8s (Cu: 2) - Copper Transporter Oprc
  22. 6z9n (Cu: 4) - Copper Transporter Oprc
  23. 6z9y (Cu: 4) - Copper Transporter Oprc
  24. 6zar (Cu: 2) - As-Isolated Copper Nitrite Reductase From Bradyrhizobium Sp. Ors 375 (Two-Domain) at 1.1 A Resolution (Unrestrained, Full Matrix Refinement By Shelx)
  25. 6zas (Cu: 2) - Damage-Free As-Isolated Copper Nitrite Reductase From Bradyrhizobium Sp. Ors 375 (Two-Domain) Determined By Serial Femtosecond Rotation Crystallography
  26. 6zat (Cu: 3) - Nitrite-Bound Copper Nitrite Reductase From Bradyrhizobium Sp. Ors 375 (Two-Domain) at 1.0 A Resolution (Unrestrained Full Matrix Refinement By Shelx)
  27. 6zau (Cu: 2) - Damage-Free Nitrite-Bound Copper Nitrite Reductase From Bradyrhizobium Sp. Ors 375 (Two-Domain) Determined By Serial Femtosecond Rotation Crystallography
  28. 6zav (Cu: 2) - No-Bound Copper Nitrite Reductase From Bradyrhizobium Sp. Ors 375 (Two-Domain) at 1.19 A Resolution (Unrestrained, Full Matrix Refinement By Shelx)
  29. 6zaw (Cu: 2) - Damage-Free No-Bound Copper Nitrite Reductase From Bradyrhizobium Sp. Ors 375 (Two-Domain) Determined By Serial Femtosecond Rotation Crystallography
  30. 6zax (Cu: 2) - Nitrite-Bound Copper Nitrite Reductase From Bradyrhizobium Sp. Ors 375 (Two-Domain) at Low Dose (0.5 Mgy)
  31. 6zif (Cu: 68) - The Structure of A Cytosolic Copper Storage Protein From Methylocystis Sp. Strain Rockwell (Atcc 49242)
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
  32. 6zij (Cu: 24) - Crystal Structure of Two-Domain Laccase Mutant R240H From Streptomyces Griseoflavus
    Other atoms: Mg (3);
  33. 6zip (Cu: 48) - Crystal Structure of Two-Domain Laccase Mutant R240A From Streptomyces Griseoflavus
  34. 6zoo (Cu: 1) - Photosystem I Reduced Plastocyanin Complex
    Other atoms: Ca (2); Mg (157); Fe (12);
  35. 6zs1 (Cu: 4) - Chaetomium Thermophilum Cuzn-Superoxide Dismutase
    Other atoms: Zn (8); Na (15);
  36. 6zu6 (Cu: 2) - Cu Nitrite Reductase From Achromobacter Cycloclastes: Msox Series at 170K, Dose Point 1
  37. 6zua (Cu: 2) - Cu Nitrite Reductase From Achromobacter Cycloclastes: Msox Series at 170K, Dose Point 4
  38. 6zub (Cu: 2) - Cu Nitrite Reductase From Achromobacter Cycloclastes: Msox Series at 170K, Dose Point 2
  39. 6zud (Cu: 2) - Cu Nitrite Reductase From Achromobacter Cycloclastes: Msox Series at 170K, Dose Point 3
  40. 6zut (Cu: 2) - Cu Nitrite Reductase Msox Series at 170K, Dose Point 5
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 09:16:26 2025

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